Thursday, September 23, 2010

What I've Learned from Years of Gambling

This article is about kazino, no matter who you are. It seems like I can't leave the house these days without someone stopping and asking me about making money playing games. I am always surprised by the shear quantity of questions I receive about it all. I did not think that gambling was that big of a deal but apparently it is. Who would have known that I would be featured at this year's Poker convention in Vegas and go on to win an achievement award to boot. At times it's difficult to not let all this attention inflate your ego but I try to ignore it and just keep doing what I do.

Curiousity usually gets the best of people and many want to know about how I began. I usually sit back, smile, and send them the latest Idiot's Guide to Poker available. If you have not thumbed through each page of Idiot's Guide to Poker, then you need to wait longer before you win money. However, starting these days has become as a much simpler process than it was for me. Just to give you an idea, I had to pick up your cards, stare a pair of 3s in the face, and even think about winning cash before I could even think about diving in. Today, all you have to do is hop online and all of the information you could ever dream of about gambling is available at your finger tips.

To be honest, I think the new generation of poker online players aren't as good as we were because of this. You new guys have too much information, and you're always looking for the golden egg. Here are some questions I hear every single week:

-Where should I shop for a poker set?

-What is the best book about poker?

-What if I mess up when I'm just learning to destroy amateur players?

There's a lot more where that came from.

Any poker player worth his salt will tell you that mastering poker is all about being first to the finish line but it is not about being first out of the gate. You must know how to crawl before you walk, and you have to know how to walk before you can run. I remember trying to play poker my first time like it was yesterday and it was not a pretty site. Although they were helpful, my colleagues who introduced me to my life's work were probably filled with remorse because I simply could not stop talking about it all. It was too exciting for me. My development came to a standstill early on but I had a eureka moment that changed everything for me when I began to avoid Poker Monthly and and instead started focusing on How to Play Poker like a Champ which was really the key to my success. I started reading more and more about how to use a poker guide, stopped focusing on the glitz and glamour and instead turned my attention to make good calls with my God given tools and talents.

The improvement was so drastic and sudden that my tells vanished and never returned, all i have now is my texas hold em starting hands. It's all about confidence and believing in yourself. Sometimes I am asked if you need to have a special gift to play poker or if you can just pick up a book and learn about gambling. I always say that knowledge is only 30% of the uphill battle. What's left, the 70 is merely a matter of sweat, tears, and anguish. Your clients need to know what kind of commitment this is and follow through with it. Always keep in mind that there are worse things that can happen than if you lose a lot of money. You can lose more for example, so keep aiming for the stars and you'll hit the moon on your path toward glory.

How Addiction to Online Gambling Can Destroy One's Livelihood

There are many people who gamble online and it is said that there's an estimate of 20 million people who are at internet casino. Native American casinos are filled with Americans who gamble, but aside from this, there are a lot of Americans who also spend billions of dollars in mortar casinos as well as on gambling in bricks.

Nearly everyone knows that online gambling is a very exciting hobby. There are now quite a number of people who do their best to learn  poker online skills to win and earn money, yet others just play for the sake of relaxation and fun. For many people, there is a definite "high" associated with risking money on games, and for a small subset of those people, gambling turns into a full-fledged addiction that can cost them their livelihood, their family, and their entire way of life.

Problem gambling can be thought of as a spectrum of problems. Because of this, people tend to be challenged and give into more hoping they would win back what they lost, and others on the other hand stop when they realize the negative effects. There are also people who are down and sad and try to cope up with life who go to online blackjack to fill up the space they feel.

Most people are able to keep their gambling under control by simple measures such as limiting their bankroll and practicing their own standards as to when to walk away after a certain level of loss (or gain, for that matter). Online gambers tend to turn the game into addiction. Online casinos should never be considered as an alternative activity though in dealing with real problems.

If someone thinks gambling is a solution to their finances, the it means he may be in the edge. When one starts borrowing money or even to the extent of selling their stuff, this shows that he is really being addicted to such online game. Worst to this, gambling may lead to deterioration of one's financial status and even their family being affected. The nightmaire of all nightmaires of a person is if gambling will lead one to illegal activities so to fun his or her hobby.

Resources are readily available to those who think they may have an addiction to gambling. Counseling, peer-support groups, step-based programs, and even medications are used to treat problem gambling, though no medications have been approved specifically for treating pathological gambling in the US by the Food and Drug Administration. Since there are groups who offer peer counseling, it is highly recommended for one to know some of these groups.

One has to accept that he or she personally needs help so that the problem will be addressed. Once you know of someone attached with the gambling addiction, you better help them out by leading them to approach a local counseling group.

How They Handle Clay Poker Chips and More - Tips For Reading Your Poker Opponents

Among the important points in becoming a very good poker player is to be able to sense the opponents' moves. This is a kind of sense where you can read how and what your opponent is thinking about your moves. Once your opponents throws those plastic poker chips, those can give you idea about the background of their cards. Your gaming strategy can in this way be improved once you know how to tell reads.

If you'd like to be the master of your next poker game, here are some helpful tips to get you reading tells like a pro:

- Poker tells that scream "I'm bluffing and have a good hand"

- Shaky hands while playing and placing their bet. This then shows you that the poker player has good hand.

- Rapid breathing: Sometimes, the more gifted players can hide their shaky hands, but it takes some serious mental meditation to control heavy breathing and a heaving chest.

- Get your clay poker chips ready: this player probably has an excellent hand.

- As a front, the poker player can deceive you with a face showing frustration when throwing the clay poker chips. Many players try to employ their acting skills when bluffing. They are just acting and that's a front for you should know.

- Staring at other players: This can be another front showing doubts but in reality they are sure of their move. They may as well have a weak hand, so don't be to aggressive. They may have something, but it probably is something that also can be beaten by other players, so they're taking a risk by projecting the illusion that they have something to be reckoned with. Be wary of your opponent's texas hold em starting hands.

- It takes for one too long to place a bet at the online casino: they are in reality thinking deep if they should throw or not, showing that they are doing the math before they decide.

- - By checking the hole cards right after a done flop: Make sure to watch over the player and then check again around the hold cards. They're checking to see if they have something to play on. That player for sure does not have a good hand at that instance since the aren't sure with placing the bet yet.

Winning the Online Blackjack Game

It is the house that enjoys the advantages if you play casino games. When it comes to Blackjack, the returns to the players are greater than for any other casino game, but the house still has the advantage.

Do you think you can take pleasure in the game and win?

When you keep on playing the online blackjack game, it can be quite difficult to win, but for sure you can in the long run, as well as enjoy it. If you are going to show the odds your favor, then you are doing the right thing. Thus, you must also think of how to gain the odds to your favor.

Unfortunately, when you are playing online, card-counting is utterly useless. Even if you happen to have photographic memory, it will not help you one bit. And why? This is due to the fact that in online casinos, shuffling of cards are done every time a round ends, thus resetting the odds.

In that case, do you think it will be helpful for one to play on non online casinos? No, quite the contrary. Playing online can give you the advantage you can never get otherwise.

I'd like to let you picture this out. Similar with other businesses, casinos also do business and compete with others. To attract players casinos strive to provide better experience, more entertainment and greater perks. The business side of land-based casinos functions obviously by providing free meals and drinks and even free accomodation.

On the other hand, online kazino show to have less choices than those on land. It is impossible to provide live entertainment, accommodation, meals and drinks. So, how do online casinos attract players?

Aside from giving the players user experience with softwares, online casinoes also provide: Bonuses as a welcome for you and start playing and also bonuses to help you continue playing.

When you take these perks into consideration, the odds change in your favor. We can compute it if we want to so and not minding the bonuses given.

Just why can these casinos make sure that anyone can play the odds better than on land casino? This is because:

- They have to gain more players

- The number of players taking the advantage of better odds is still relatively small.

Having this in mind, to win Blackjack:

- Read and study the basics  I can assure you that learning it takes only less time for you to grasp the idea of gaining the favor of the odds.

- If you are tired, stressed or even drunk, never play Blackjack  You will be taking risk if you do so.

- Be assured that the online casino you get into can be trusted.  This is an absolute must because cheating with online software is easy. The best to do is to first hear from others if that online casino is safe.

- Do the math when it comes to the odds

Also make sure you read the terms and conditions,a s well as the rules so you can go ahead and do the math with the odds - this is extremely crucial.

- Get online, play online blackjack and enjoy winning!

Online Casino and Texas Hold Em Starting Hands

Don't miss out the Texas hold'em poker online gaming skill. One should know the Texas hold'em poker hand of the one who's going to start. With this skill at your disposal, you will have more than half the battle won. You will be well on your way to becoming a winning poker player. You will have the knowledge necessary to "know when to fold 'em, know when to hold 'em," as The Gambler so famously sang.

Be aware that majority and around 85% or the starting cards you get may be considered garbage. Let me say that again, because it is the single most important thing for you to remember in the game. Once you get the game cards to start, it is at 85% part of it you should consider garbage. This is why many expert professional players refer to the game as Texas fold 'em. Fold 85% and if you know how to do that, you will win. Many people who play poker are born gamblers, so they find this task impossible. Learning to discipline yourself this way helps you be on top of the rest of your competitors at the table.

Since 85% of it is not suppose to be used to play, you will have to focus on breaking down the 15% remaining. These hands can be broken down into three main areas. There are the premium hands, the strong hands, and the hopeful hands.

Usually, it is the premium hands that you will see at every flop. The order of the hands are the following: AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK s, AQ s, TT, and AK. What you will always have inside your pocket and use aggressively at all times is the premium hands. Just be aware that such doesn't come at all times, thus make sure that you get some money our of the opportunity. Once in while you can take a chance and slow play them if you are not getting any action, but 95% of the time you need to play these aggressively with big bets.

Strong hands is the next category of the starting hands, and this is the very difficult category of hands to learn to play poker ver very well. To know the order of power, it is in this order AJ s, KQ s, 99, AT s, AQ, KJ s, 88, QJ s, KT s, Ax s, and AJ. Learning about this, you can raise it up to pre-flop. You want to chase out people holding garbage and get a feel for what other players are holding before you go to a flop with these hands. These are the hands that can destroy your stack. Be real prepared if someone is also aggressively raising back flop on you and use these hands.

On a 3X BB pre-flop raise, use the next hands - the hopeful hands. These hands suits connectors lacking a face card and comes at 2s to 7s. You must flop a monster or a draw with these cards to play them after the flop.

Would you be interested in more online casino poker strategy? Hear from me if you do so as I share some online poker tips. So you can become a good online poker player, get some more practice. This isn't online blackack.

Games More Popular than Online Blackjack

Poker Chips for Your Favorite Game
It's easy to get bored these days with so little quality entertainment available to the average youth.  Why not try free online games? There are hundreds of free games online that will elevate your senses and ease your pain of boredom. A lot of the games available online are remakes or direct copies of arcade games you played as a kid. A lot of times, these free online games have developed a cult-like worship with hundreds of devoted fans strewn across the globe. Before we get started you will need to have the latest version of flash installed on your computer to enjoy these fun online games if you don't already have flash then you can download it free from adobe.

Crash Bandicoot is a classic and I'm excited to see the character back in action and stronger than ever in the free online version. Crash is one of those great retro games you just can't get enough of once you get into it.Super Smash flash Bros: Super smash flash bros is basically a fighting game that lets you pair up the characters from great games originally released from Nintendo, including Mario, Zelda and Pokemon.This game is missing some of the elements it had when it was released on N64 but it is still definitely worth playing, no doubt.

There's myriad Guitar Hero and Rock Band rip off games online and they can all be a lot of fun especially Super crazy Guitar Maniac 3. If you have yet to play this game then you're missing out on all your favorite guitar classics.Guitar Blast or whatever this game is called is definitely addictive and has you punching both arrows and numbers which is a stark contrast with the previous game that only had you punching arrows.You just need to hit them at the right time though it is not neccesary to strum the guitar.

When it comes to online racing games, Kamaz Delivery has got to the game at the zenith of it all.  You simply cannot beat it when it comes to free online racing games.Forget trying to outrun the cops in this game, just slip them 30 rubles and you will be well on your way to a successful drug delivery.The point of the game is to deliver as many pounds of coke as possible without spending too much time and money bribing customs agents.

One of the things you can do to make the playing of these free online casino slots fun and exciting without your having to bet any of your real money on them is to play it with a couple of friends and seeing who can get a bigger amount of money on these slots within a certain time frame.These games generally can be played without downloading them onto your computer or poker online.