Thursday, September 23, 2010

What I've Learned from Years of Gambling

This article is about kazino, no matter who you are. It seems like I can't leave the house these days without someone stopping and asking me about making money playing games. I am always surprised by the shear quantity of questions I receive about it all. I did not think that gambling was that big of a deal but apparently it is. Who would have known that I would be featured at this year's Poker convention in Vegas and go on to win an achievement award to boot. At times it's difficult to not let all this attention inflate your ego but I try to ignore it and just keep doing what I do.

Curiousity usually gets the best of people and many want to know about how I began. I usually sit back, smile, and send them the latest Idiot's Guide to Poker available. If you have not thumbed through each page of Idiot's Guide to Poker, then you need to wait longer before you win money. However, starting these days has become as a much simpler process than it was for me. Just to give you an idea, I had to pick up your cards, stare a pair of 3s in the face, and even think about winning cash before I could even think about diving in. Today, all you have to do is hop online and all of the information you could ever dream of about gambling is available at your finger tips.

To be honest, I think the new generation of poker online players aren't as good as we were because of this. You new guys have too much information, and you're always looking for the golden egg. Here are some questions I hear every single week:

-Where should I shop for a poker set?

-What is the best book about poker?

-What if I mess up when I'm just learning to destroy amateur players?

There's a lot more where that came from.

Any poker player worth his salt will tell you that mastering poker is all about being first to the finish line but it is not about being first out of the gate. You must know how to crawl before you walk, and you have to know how to walk before you can run. I remember trying to play poker my first time like it was yesterday and it was not a pretty site. Although they were helpful, my colleagues who introduced me to my life's work were probably filled with remorse because I simply could not stop talking about it all. It was too exciting for me. My development came to a standstill early on but I had a eureka moment that changed everything for me when I began to avoid Poker Monthly and and instead started focusing on How to Play Poker like a Champ which was really the key to my success. I started reading more and more about how to use a poker guide, stopped focusing on the glitz and glamour and instead turned my attention to make good calls with my God given tools and talents.

The improvement was so drastic and sudden that my tells vanished and never returned, all i have now is my texas hold em starting hands. It's all about confidence and believing in yourself. Sometimes I am asked if you need to have a special gift to play poker or if you can just pick up a book and learn about gambling. I always say that knowledge is only 30% of the uphill battle. What's left, the 70 is merely a matter of sweat, tears, and anguish. Your clients need to know what kind of commitment this is and follow through with it. Always keep in mind that there are worse things that can happen than if you lose a lot of money. You can lose more for example, so keep aiming for the stars and you'll hit the moon on your path toward glory.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your writing. Thanks so much, finally a decent website with good information in it.
