Thursday, September 23, 2010

How They Handle Clay Poker Chips and More - Tips For Reading Your Poker Opponents

Among the important points in becoming a very good poker player is to be able to sense the opponents' moves. This is a kind of sense where you can read how and what your opponent is thinking about your moves. Once your opponents throws those plastic poker chips, those can give you idea about the background of their cards. Your gaming strategy can in this way be improved once you know how to tell reads.

If you'd like to be the master of your next poker game, here are some helpful tips to get you reading tells like a pro:

- Poker tells that scream "I'm bluffing and have a good hand"

- Shaky hands while playing and placing their bet. This then shows you that the poker player has good hand.

- Rapid breathing: Sometimes, the more gifted players can hide their shaky hands, but it takes some serious mental meditation to control heavy breathing and a heaving chest.

- Get your clay poker chips ready: this player probably has an excellent hand.

- As a front, the poker player can deceive you with a face showing frustration when throwing the clay poker chips. Many players try to employ their acting skills when bluffing. They are just acting and that's a front for you should know.

- Staring at other players: This can be another front showing doubts but in reality they are sure of their move. They may as well have a weak hand, so don't be to aggressive. They may have something, but it probably is something that also can be beaten by other players, so they're taking a risk by projecting the illusion that they have something to be reckoned with. Be wary of your opponent's texas hold em starting hands.

- It takes for one too long to place a bet at the online casino: they are in reality thinking deep if they should throw or not, showing that they are doing the math before they decide.

- - By checking the hole cards right after a done flop: Make sure to watch over the player and then check again around the hold cards. They're checking to see if they have something to play on. That player for sure does not have a good hand at that instance since the aren't sure with placing the bet yet.

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