Thursday, September 23, 2010

Online Casino and Texas Hold Em Starting Hands

Don't miss out the Texas hold'em poker online gaming skill. One should know the Texas hold'em poker hand of the one who's going to start. With this skill at your disposal, you will have more than half the battle won. You will be well on your way to becoming a winning poker player. You will have the knowledge necessary to "know when to fold 'em, know when to hold 'em," as The Gambler so famously sang.

Be aware that majority and around 85% or the starting cards you get may be considered garbage. Let me say that again, because it is the single most important thing for you to remember in the game. Once you get the game cards to start, it is at 85% part of it you should consider garbage. This is why many expert professional players refer to the game as Texas fold 'em. Fold 85% and if you know how to do that, you will win. Many people who play poker are born gamblers, so they find this task impossible. Learning to discipline yourself this way helps you be on top of the rest of your competitors at the table.

Since 85% of it is not suppose to be used to play, you will have to focus on breaking down the 15% remaining. These hands can be broken down into three main areas. There are the premium hands, the strong hands, and the hopeful hands.

Usually, it is the premium hands that you will see at every flop. The order of the hands are the following: AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK s, AQ s, TT, and AK. What you will always have inside your pocket and use aggressively at all times is the premium hands. Just be aware that such doesn't come at all times, thus make sure that you get some money our of the opportunity. Once in while you can take a chance and slow play them if you are not getting any action, but 95% of the time you need to play these aggressively with big bets.

Strong hands is the next category of the starting hands, and this is the very difficult category of hands to learn to play poker ver very well. To know the order of power, it is in this order AJ s, KQ s, 99, AT s, AQ, KJ s, 88, QJ s, KT s, Ax s, and AJ. Learning about this, you can raise it up to pre-flop. You want to chase out people holding garbage and get a feel for what other players are holding before you go to a flop with these hands. These are the hands that can destroy your stack. Be real prepared if someone is also aggressively raising back flop on you and use these hands.

On a 3X BB pre-flop raise, use the next hands - the hopeful hands. These hands suits connectors lacking a face card and comes at 2s to 7s. You must flop a monster or a draw with these cards to play them after the flop.

Would you be interested in more online casino poker strategy? Hear from me if you do so as I share some online poker tips. So you can become a good online poker player, get some more practice. This isn't online blackack.

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